Cancellation form

This is a cancellation form for members of Get Fit With Rick.

If you are a current member with us and would like to cancel your current membership, please proceed below.

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I'm super sad to hear you would like to cancel your membership with us.

We are at the beginning stages of building a really exciting platform.
Just before you proceed I would like to tell you about the exciting things we've got coming up over the next few months...

More exclusive workouts

We've got so many exciting workouts coming up that won't be available on youtube including the Accumulator 2, 80's workout, 90's boyband, Classic Rock, Power Walk 2, Uplifting 2 and many more.
In addition, brand new interval walking workouts as well as our strength workouts designed to build muscle and burn fat. The content over the next few months will be fantastic!


Guest trainers

As well as expanding the library of your favourite workouts, we'll also be expanding the type of workouts we offer with our guest trainers. Including top trainers in yoga, pilates, boxing, anti natal and a ton more.

Talks with the experts

From training to nutrition to mental health, we will be sitting down with experts in their fields to answer all of your questions. Get insights and top tips from industry leaders as they share their knowledge about the topics you want to know most about

Quality Upgrade

As we continue to grow the platform, you will notice a significant improvement in overall quality.
From professional recorded workouts in 4K to locations to editing and sound. We're constantly striving to improve your overall experience.

I understand, I would still like to cancel

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